Monday, November 20, 2017

Pardon our dust

We're doing a whole bunch of stuff to the ENMTools R package right now.  A lot of it is below the hood (cleaning up dependencies for CRAN and whatnot), but some of it is in service of implementing new functionality.  Anyway, in the process of fixing a few things we also broke a few things, so if you've downloaded ENMTools from the main branch in the past few days you might be having some trouble.  I've fixed the bits that I have found so far, and the new code is now up on the main branch.  We're going to make a real push over the next little while to get some testthat code working and get set up with continuous integration to avoid these mishaps in the future. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Model-based inference in historical and ecological biogeography 2017!

Matthew van Dam and I will be offering a new class in Barcelona with Transmitting Science this year, based in large part on the class that Nick Matzke and I taught last year.  It's called Model-based Inference in Historical and Ecological Biogeography, and if last year was any indication it's going to be a lot of fun.  We'll mostly be focusing on BioGeoBEARS and the new ENMTools R package, and there's a whole lot of very cool stuff going on with both.  Join us if you can!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Solution to erroneous "please update your maxent program to version 3.3.3b or later" error when running maxent from dismo & ENMTools

I originally encountered this problem when trying to run maxent from ENMTools; but it turns out it was a combination of problem with the dismo package, and with my Mac machine having different versions of java installed (1.6 and 1.8).

I am pasting the solution that worked for me below, and to other relevant lists if I find them, since I didn't find a direct answer online.

Thanks - Nick